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Tasks offers many options for customizing the appearance of the app


You may select one base theme from the following list:

  • Light
  • Black
  • Dark
  • Wallpaper
  • Day/night
  • System default

Day/Night will switch to light mode during the day and dark mode at night

  • With location permissions: the theme will change at sunrise and sunset
  • Without location permissions: the theme will change at 6AM and 10PM


You may choose colors for your default theme, each of your tags, filters, Google Task, CalDAV, and EteSync lists, as well as each of your home screen widgets. Tasks offers 42 predefined colors as well as a color wheel for selecting a custom color

The 42 predefined colors will be desaturated when using a dark theme. Custom colors chosen with the color wheel will not be desaturated.


Tasks offers a choice of 17 accent colors. Accent colors are used to highlight important user interface elements in Android. Only one accent color may be selected at a time. Accent colors will be desaturated in dark themes


You can choose from 130+ icons to assign to each of your tags, custom filters, Google Task, CalDAV, and EteSync lists

Launcher icon

You may choose from 20 different colors for your launcher icon

Home Screen Widget

When setting up a home screen widget you may combine the light, black, or dark theme, along with a predefined or custom color

Shortcut widget

You may choose from 20 different colors for shortcut widgets