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DAVx⁵ can be used to synchronize your CalDAV data with Tasks

DAVx⁵ vs CalDAV

Both options provide nearly identical functionality, with the exception that Tasks cannot create, rename, colorize, or delete your CalDAV lists when synchronizing with DAVx⁵.

Tasks will ignore your DAVx⁵ data if you have set up CalDAV synchronization for the same account.

Adding an account

Your data will automatically appear in Tasks after setting up DAVx⁵. Refer to the following DAVx⁵ infographic for setup instructions.

DAVx⁵ setup


Make sure DAVx⁵ integration is configured properly

  1. Open the DAVx⁵ app
  2. Tap ☰ > Settings
    • Make sure App permissions > Tasks permissions is toggled on
    • Make sure Integration > Tasks app > Tasks is checked

Make sure at least one task list is synchronized

  1. Open the DAVx⁵ app
  2. Tap on your account
  3. Tap on the CALDAV tab
  4. Tap ⋮ > Refresh calendar list
  5. Check at least one task list
  6. Tap on 🗘 to initiate synchronization